
Institutional Data

  • More than 270 thousand students enrolled in Traditional and Technological Undergraduate Studies, both face-to-face and distance learning.
  • 597 Healthcare Laboratories.
  • 124 Clinics (Biomedicine, Nursing, Aesthetics and Cosmetics, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine).
  • 22 Applied Psychology Centers (CPA).
  • 26 Legal Assistance Offices (EAJ).
  • 5 Annexes of the Special Civil Court.
  • 1 Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (CEJUSC).
  • 567 Laboratories in the Exact Sciences area (Engineering and Architecture)
  • 50 Laboratories in the Humanities area (Photography, Radio and TV and Hospitality).
  • 229 Computer Laboratories.
  • Almost 400 thousand services to the population in 2023.
  • 90 Traditional and Technological Undergraduate courses, in-person and distance learning.
  • 830 distance learning centers.
  • There are 141 Lato Sensu Postgraduate courses: 96 face-to-face and 45 in the distance learning modality.
  • Account Contabilidade
  • Audaces
  • BlackBoard
  • Corel License for Learning (CLL)
  • IBM Academic Initiative
  • Linux
  • Microsoft Imagine
  • Microsoft Imagine Academy
  • Microsoft Volume Licensing
  • Oracle Initiative
  • SAI - Sun Academic Initiative
  • Check-In NetHotel
  • E-Contab Sistemas Contábil
  • PERGAMUM – Sistema de Gerenciamento de Centro de Informações
  • IWSPA – IWS Parceria Acadêmica
  • ProgeSoft – progeCAD IntelliCAD
  • ArchiCAD
  • ARTECH - GeneXus
  • AutoDesk
  • In relation to research, we would like to mention:
    • UNIP currently has 52 research groups registered at CNPq, covering the areas of Exact Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Judicial Sciences;
    • From 2011 to 2015, UNIP presented 32,234 scientific products;
    • UNIP supports programs to encourage teaching and student research, participation in national and international scientific meetings and incentives for publication;
    • UNIP research receives support from funding agencies - FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq - and is developed in collaboration with scientists from Latin America, the United States, Canada, Europe, China and Japan. Among these, the research carried out on plants stands out. medicinal plants from Amazonas, led by Dr. Drauzio Varella and collaborators; research on giftedness led by Dr. Christina Cupertino, who represents Brazil in international associations on the subject; research in Production Engineering that generated patents and equipment for use by disabled people; patent application by the Postgraduate Program in Environmental and Experimental Pathology for an emulsion formulated from the association of four vegetable oils aiming to improve the integrity and hydration of the skin of elderly people and formulations based on fixed, resinous and essential oils, used as active principles for the preparation of oils, emulsions, creams, ointments, lotions, milks and gels for the treatment of skin aging and patent application by the Postgraduate Program in Dentistry for the process of manufacturing digital facial prostheses and dental composite resin, restorative or highly reactive cement. Currently, 454 researches are being developed at UNIP.
    • UNIP has 5 Master's Programs and 5 Academic Doctorate Programs in Administration, Communication, Production Engineering, Environmental and Experimental Pathology, Dentistry and a Master's Degree in Institutional Practices in Mental Health.