
Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Comunicação

  • Generate and disseminate knowledge in the field of communication, promoting theoretical reflections and studies of advanced techniques related to the processes of conception, elaboration, placement, reception of the communicative product and its interaction between social groups.
  • Promote the training of researchers to respond scientifically to the needs of the Communication area.
  • Qualify teachers for higher education.
  • Assign the title of Master in Communication.
Target Public

Professionals trained in social communication, social sciences, humanities and related fields.

The PostStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Communication seeks to create favorable conditions for the development of research related to the Communication Area, especially those related to themes that focus on cultural problems, both in terms of media phenomena and in relation to Conditions or social manifestations to which they are linked. This effort translates into increasing results from the point of view of the evaluation promoted by CAPES, resulting in the approval of the PhD course, implemented as of 2012.
Among the actions carried out, we highlight the organization of advanced seminars, scientific meetings and research exchanges, carried out by teachers and students, with other programs in Brazil and abroad, whose results are observable in academic production translated into articles published in qualified journals and books, especially.
The fruits of these experiences and CAPES evaluations are evident in the improvement of the definitions of the lines of research, the reformulation of the curricular structure and the quality of many of the papers published or selected in congresses. In addition, the Program gave impetus to the creation of Research Groups in the terms established by CNPq, taking into account the productivity and the strengthening of its activities.
With the objective, on the one hand, to consolidate the fundamental components of the structure of a stricto sensu postgraduate course and, on the other hand, to reach the levels of excellence, during the last four years the Program has brought, with the support of Vice -Reference of Post graduation and Research of UNIP and FAPESP, several visiting professors and, at the same time, intensified its exchanges with foreign universities to establish agreements and research with important universities, such as the Complutense of Madrid and the University of Valencia, for example.
This process is also due to the frequent presence of teachers working in important forums in the area, such as Compós, Intercom, Socine, SBPJor and others, whether through work submitted and approved by the coordination of Working Groups, or even participating in management positions of such associations.
In conclusion, the management of the Program, in accordance with the Internal Regulations, is carried out by a Collegiate body, made up of five professors, one of whom is a Coordinator and one is a student representative, being secretarial by Secretary of the Postgraduate. At the moment, the Course Collegiate is thus constituted:

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maurício Ribeiro da Silva
Members of the Collegiate: Profa. Dra. Barbara Heller, Profa. Dra. Simone Luci Pereira e Prof. Dr. Gustavo Souza da Silva.
Alternate: Prof. Dr. Paolo Demuru
Secretary: Christina Rodrigues
Student Representative: Andrea Cristiane Barbosa Bruno (mestranda) e Jamilson Jose Alves da Silva (doutorando)



Knowledge Areas
  • Communication and Audio-Visual Methods
  • Communication and Memory
  • Communication and Politics
  • Communication, Media and Religiosities
  • Communication sociology
  • Communication Theories
Concentration Area

Communication and Media Culture

The Communication Postgraduate Program concentrates its efforts on the sub-area denominated Media Culture, with the general purpose of constituting contributions and criticism to the knowledge related to the communicational processes in connection with contemporary phenomena related to the globalized culture, full of the presence of media apparatus, interactive technologies and communicational strategies that provide or update diverse forms of (re) social and cultural organization.

From the Field of Study, a division of the Media Culture field into two research lines is proposed, at the same time disparate and complementary, which aim to congregate researches that seek to contribute, on the one hand, to the understanding of the contemporary media phenomena (Line 1) and, on the other hand, its implications within the society and culture scope (Line 2). Therefore, the following lines and their respective summaries appear:

  • Line 1 - Configuration of products and processes in media culture
    Congregates researches on the historical dynamics, the forms, strategies and processes through which the products of a printed, sound and audiovisual nature are codified and structured within the scope of media culture.
  • Line 2 - Media contributions for the interaction between social groups
    Gathers researches oriented to the practices and media processes inscribed in social groups, privileging the analysis of power and resistance. Researches on discourses, practices and representations, as well as on sociopolitical, cultural and imaginary media and environments in the media context, are allowed.
Research Projects

Currently, the professors of the Communication Postgraduate Program develop the following research projects:

Line 1 - Configuration of products and processes in media culture

1) Project Name: Radio and conflict: Constitutionalist Revolution in Brazil during the Vargas era (1932); Ascension of Salazar in Portugal (1932) and Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Antônio Adami

Abstract: The purpose of this research is seeking to deepen and understand the role of the radio and how radiophonic production occurred in civil wars in the 1930s, in three countries and two continents. In Brazil, the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932; in Spain, the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and in Portugal, the rise of Salazar to power, in 1932. Keeping in mind that radio was the main means of communication of the 1930s and its role is fundamental in the development of these civil wars, we also seek to understand how the medium was utilized to conglomerate and manipulate the masses, on both sides of the wars. This project originates in post-doctoral research conducted in 2009-2010, supported by FAPESP, at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, under the supervision of Armand Balsebre and another postdoc in 2014, at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, also supported by FAPESP, under the supervision of Manuel Ángel Fernandes Sande. The research is primarily justified by the importance in understanding the production of the time, but also for the comprehension of the history of the medium; it is also justified by the absolute lack of published material on the subject in the three countries, hence the social and scientific relevance and originality of the research. The methodology of Oral History is important for the development of research, particularly focused on interviews, but we are also seeking access to photographic material, documents of the time, statements from authorities, as well as books and articles in periodicals addressing the theme.

2) Project Name: Political Communication and Campaign Strategies
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Carla Montuori Fernandes
Abstract: The communication and politics fields are inseparable. Due to the reach of traditional media and the popularization of new technological devices, we must acknowledge that we live a media bios (SODRE, 2002).  Political agents utilize the power of the media field to emphasize their discourses, besides incorporating the logics and communicational grammars into the very functioning of politics (GOMES, 2004). In this sense, this research aims to analyze the relationship between communication and politics in Brazil, within the scope of electoral strategies, mainly triggered during the majority (presidential, governmental and municipal) elections. We also intend to study the unfoldings of media coverage during the pre-electoral and electoral period, in the 2014, 2016 and 2018 elections, prioritizing news programs, the printed media and social networks.

3) Project Name:  Popular Cult on Multiple Screens: Audio-visual adaptations and fans of ‘The Phantom of the Opera‘ in Latin America
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Clarice Greco Alves
Abstract: The present project is an unfolding of the international collaboration proposal Phantôm on Film: screen adaptations of Le Fantôme de l'Opéra: Routes of cultural transfer, based at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, in London, funded by the Leverhulme Trust. It is a network of researchers from several countries in dialogue about the adaptations of The Phantom of the Opera and the cultural transfers involved in these texts. In Brazil, in consonance with researches also developed with the Ibero-American Observatory of Television Fiction (OBITEL), this project seeks to understand the manifestations of the fans of this classic work in the context of Latin American television fiction. Based on transmedia reception theories, fan studies and the notion of popular cult, we seek to problematize issues of cult to fiction works, popularization of art, internationalization of fiction, and adjustment to the national context, within the culture of soap operas and the transmedia environment. The proposed methodology is the mapping and analysis of three Brazilian audiovisual adaptations of The Phantom of the Opera, besides the investigation and perception of diagnoses about the creativity and engagement of fans in online and offline social networks, especially in the production of fanfics. This way, we will seek to consolidate an international network of audiovisual researchers, to apply knowledge and continue researches on Brazilian and/or Latin American television fiction, globally.

4) Project Name: Trauma in the Brazilian documentary
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Souza da Silva
Abstract: The discussion undertaken by students of the documentary on traumatic situations, addressed by this film modality, basically presents two axes: the holocaust of World War II and the genocides that occurred during the 20th century. In Brazil, such approach is absent, as there is no holocaust or genocide in our history (the latter, at least officially). So, how could we think of trauma in the Brazilian context when addressed by the documentary? Which narratives, representations and discourses in image and sound generate such traumatic situations? When favoring the collective dimension of trauma, which actions for the promotion of justice and for the formation of a less unfair and unequal society do these films suggest? Before answering these questions, it is worth emphasizing that the notion of trauma adopted here favors a cultural perspective to the detriment of the psychoanalytic one, in which the displacement of the subject from the condition of the sick person to that of the victim is strongly valued. This way, we will begin with the documentaries Atos dos homens (Kiko Goifman, 2005), Ônibus 174 (José Padilha, 2002), Jogo de cena (Eduardo Coutinho, 2007) and Estamira (Marcos Prado, 2006). In these films, the traumatic event is experienced both in the collective and public spheres. The adopted hypothesis is that the way in which the corpus addresses trauma allows us to read it based on three characteristics: the violent event, the suffered damage and the medium and long term consequences. Each of these aspects finds its raw material in the film elements which, in turn, point to the revision of the notion of victim, construction of a memory and establishment of measures which broaden the access to justice.

5) Project Name: Sous le ciel de Paris: memory and nomadism of the French song in Brazil
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Heloísa de Araújo Duarte Valente
Abstract: This research project continues “The song of the media: memory and nomadism”, which I have been conducting since 2004, with the collaboration of researchers from the Music and Media Studies Center - MusiMid and guests. After the completion of the first four stages, this new investigation utilizes preliminary research started a few years ago and concerns the French song. Although it was not so expressive in sales, as occurred with the repertoire of other nationalities (Portuguese, Italian and Latin American), this song had important repercussions in Brazilian culture, as already testified by the works by Valente (2003), by Zumthor ( 1997, 2005), here considered of initial character. Thus, such theme has not yet been the target of more consistent academic studies, as proposed here. More specifically, this study is devoted to what we call the “romantic song”. We restricted the investigation to the period from the end of the 1930s to the end of the 1970s, when the internationally-famous European song lost prominence, giving way to the English language rock and pop genres, as well as regional repertoires that arose outside the Rio-São Paulo axis. We started from the concepts of “media song” (Valente, 2003) and “nomadism” (Zumthor, 1997) to analyze how the song expresses, informs, corroborates and presents traces of the culture of which it refers and to which it is connected.

Line 2 - Media contributions for the interaction between social groups
6) Project Name: Empowerment, forgetfulness or silencing? The re-signification of female narratives through social memory.
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Barbara Heller
Abstract: In the Sustainable Development Agenda of 2030, adopted by the United Nations Assembly in 2015, among the 17 sustainable objectives, is “Gender Equality”. Through it, we hope to eliminate gender inequalities if and when “women, men, civil society, governments, companies, universities and the means of communication [work] in a determined, concrete and systematic way [...]”. (Available at: http://www.onumulheres.org.br/planeta5050-2030/paridade/ Access: 09 Jan. 2018).
That means that the means of communication play a central role in the struggle for gender equality. Just remember that, in Brazil, women were forbidden access to formal education until the first years following the Proclamation of the Republic in 1889, and that female press that originated from it was considered inferior when compared to the newspapers in circulation. The “diary” is a textual genre that I have been dedicating to reflect on the relations between women and the means of communication, in whose manuscripts they expressed their feelings, memories and experiences, always activated by individual and social memories. With the increase of the publishing industry and its segmentation, the manuscripts aimed at new supports - the books - and new consumers. It is possible to recognize in these texts, now edited, forms of resistance to the oppression by the State, family, religion, to the silence, forgetfulness and empowerment strategies. It is, therefore, a qualitative and desk-based research. The utilized theoretical references concern memory, diaries and gender studies such as: BADINTER, Elisabeth (Rumo equivocado - o feminismo e alguns destinos); CARLOS, Ana Maria and ESTEVES, Antonio R. (Org.), (Narrativas do eu: memórias através da escrita); BUTLER, Judith (Problemas de gênero); HALBWACHS, Maurice (A memória coletiva); LE GOFF, Jacques (História e Memória); POLLAK, Michael (Memória, esquecimento, silêncio); SARLO, Beatriz (Tiempo passado, cultura de la memoria y giro subjetivo);  SELIGMANN-SILVA, Márcio (História, memória, literatura); TODOROV, Tzvetan (Memória do mal, tentação do bem). Several books were and are still object of my corpus. Among them, I highlight: RENNER, Hannelore (As meninas do quarto 28); KOSTER, Ingrid Helga (Ingrid; uma história de exílios); ALCOBA, Laura (La casa de los conejos).

7) Project Name: Ecology of communication: counter-hegemonic strategies of the imaginary in popular religiosity
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Jorge Miklos
Abstract: The research starting point is the acknowledgement that there are religious communicational processes which are not located in the hegemonic axis of mediatization and of the capital logic. These processes favor the binding strategies in social groups that legitimize shared time, culture rites, collaborative and supportive communicational production by founding radical imaginaries, that is, the capacity to produce new relationships of hope, social transformation, and the creation of new things. In this sense, the research seeks to examine religious groups (Catholics, evangelicals, spiritualists, Afro-Brazilians, indigenous, among others) which established themselves in the field of popular religiosity, which move externally to the context of hegemonic media (media bios) and position themselves in the tension with the economic system, in the counterflow of clerical authority (institutional, only devotional and without commitment to the justice for the poor) and in the counter-hegemony of the media logic, constituting concrete and imaginary resistance territories. The purpose is studying counter-hegemonic strategies in the resistance imagery present in popular religiosity. The hypothesis is that popular religiosity and its alternative communicative processes are sources of regenerative and libertarian utopias. The methodological course foresees bibliographical research, in-depth interviews, desk-based analysis and participant observation.  Based on the theoretical reflections of Morin (2007), Contrera (2010), Brandão (1980), Poel (2013), Moraes (2008), Santos (2006), Paiva (2003, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2014) and Romano (1993, 2004), we will study popular religiosity movements that suggest contestation, insurgency and appropriation of counter-hegemonic communication processes in the contemporary world, expressed in the Ecologies of Knowledge and the Ecology of Communication.

8) Project Name: The role of empathy in the mimetic communication processes
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Malena Segura Contrera
Abstract: The present research undertakes to investigate the importance and the role of empathy in the mimetic practices present in the communicative processes, considering the contribution of the current ethological and psychological studies that address the theme, also evaluating its importance for the constitution of the communicative bonds. The work also considers the differences between the empathic processes present in face-to-face communication and the empathic processes present in the electronically mediated communication. Starting from the central hypothesis that empathy is fundamental for the constitution of human communication, and especially for the mimetic processes that compose it, the research traces a theoretical itinerary that goes through the issue of the communicative bonds and the differences of the empathic practices existent in the face-to-face and electronically mediated communication modalities. The aim is to investigate, based on how the empathy between human beings is constituted and developed, how this empathy is the basis of the mimetic processes present in communication, and how the two of them - empathy and mimesis - are especially relevant for the formation of sociability and for the necessary confrontations demanded by otherness in contemporary communicative practices. Based on the theory and relying on the Method and Theory of complexity of E. Morin as a basis for thinking about human and social phenomena, the research is substantiated on the studies on empathy by Frans de Waal and Boris Cyrulnik, studies on the communicative bond by Boris Cyrulnik, Harry Harlow and Norval Baitello Jr., the studies on mimesis by Christoph Wulf and Gunter Gebauer, the studies by Carl G. Jung on psychic contagion of the masses and the studies by James Hillman on archetypal imagination, as subsidies of several areas that dialog with the Theories of Communication to reason about the proposed theme. Regarding the concept of communicative bond and media processes in contemporary society, we especially consider the contributions by Norval Baitello Junior and Muniz Sodré to the theme, also aiming to deepen what has already been investigated in previous research with the CNPq Pq scholarship on the “Mediosphere” (2010-2013) and “The role of mimesis in communication” (2013-2016).

9) Project Name: Between God and the Devil: the construction of intolerance in the media imaginary of Umbanda, a Brazilian religion
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Maurício Ribeiro da Silva
Abstract: The presents research project aims to identify how the media environment constitutes a clash between the agents who act in the initial process of the Umbanda practice dissemination, favoring the comprehension of the way in which prejudices against Afro-Brazilian religions are presented and crystallized, especially Umbanda. For such purpose, we will seek to delimit the geographic and temporal coverage of the context of the large circulation newspapers published in Rio de Janeiro during the so-called Umbanda legitimization period (1920-1950), in order to identify articles, photographs, caricatures and other elements which may contribute with the proposed goals. The central hypothesis points out that Umbanda‘s detracting process is established in the newspapers of Rio de Janeiro through the progressive transit of the articles from a position linked to the originally Catholic imaginary appropriated by the spiritualist discourse of the action directed towards charity and the elevation of man, to a framework linked to the imaginary related to the black person, in which elements arising from colonial Catholicism (the action of the devil, sin, etc.) are activated. The research corpus will be classified and content analysis will be conducted, and the registration of terminologies associated with positive and negative cultural poles will be performed, in order to identify recurrences and repetitions. Such analyzes will be problematized, taking as references the Theories of Culture and Imaginary (Edgar Morin, James Hillman, Erich Neumann, Christoph Wulf) and of Communication and of Media Imaginary (Muniz Sodré, Malena Segura Contrera).

10) Project Name: Soccer, media and new populisms in contemporary Brazil: a social semiotic look
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Paolo Demuru
Abstract: The purpose of this project analyzing the narratives and the media and communication processes which, over the past few years, since the first protests of June 2013 against the increase of the public transportation rates, followed and fed, day after day, the route towards the impeachment of Rousseff and its current developments. Based on the theoretical framework of Algirdas J. Greimas‘ semiotics, on Eric Landowski‘s social semiotics of and on Umberto Eco‘s specific contributions on the “symbolic mode” (see Eco, 1984), we will seek to demonstrate the following hypotheses:
1. the narratives and processes mentioned above are based on three precise discursive strategies: a. on a manipulation (Greimas, 2014; Landowski, 2005) of national symbols - anthem, flag, Brazilian soccer team shirt - utilized as sensitive-passionate catalysts (Greimas, 2002) and conductor of meanings, objects, that is, capable of summarizing and encompassing the totality of the political-ideological positions and values at stake at a certain historical moment; b. in a process of influencing Brazilian politics and society through soccer, reducing them to a stadium in which the only possible action seems to be to cheer for one of the two teams in the field; c. in a serialization dynamics of the crisis that led to impeachment and its current consequences, founded on a plot of overlaps between political discourse and television discourse - especially, that of serial television fiction.
2. Such strategies constitute the distinctive features of a new populism that is being affirmed today in Brazil, involving both political and media subjects. A kind of populism characterized by a background semantic indetermination, by the polarization of political and sociocultural identities, and by the exasperation of the collective sensitive-passionate burden, echoing those of other nations and continents (Europe and the United States).
The expected results are both theoretical-analytical and political-social in the broad sense. Regarding the former, we aim to move the semiotic reflection on the symbol of the semantic system plane (relations more or less sedimented between expressions and content) to the plane of the interactional processes between social groups (interaction regimes, enunciation conflicts and force relations provided by it), reflecting, at the same time, on the discursive strategies and overlaps between the various semiospheres through which political-national identities emerge and are now built. Concerning the latter, we aim to understand and explain the discursive roots of the new Brazilian populism and, to a certain extent, worldwide, contributing to the promotion of dialogue between the actors of the national and international political scene, as well as more inclusive societies and institutions - especially in the communication area.

11) Project Name: Urban cultures, youth and alternative musical-media practices in São Paulo: uses of the city, social behavior and interculturality
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Simone Luci Pereira

Abstract: This research aims at mapping and analyzing musical-media practices and youth cultures in the city of São Paulo, focusing on articulations between urbanities, youth behaviors, media culture and consumption, and the cultural/musical production of groups linked to alternative/independent music which act in the city. Articulating a discussion that mainly dialogues in the fields of Communication, Anthropology and Music, the investigation utilizes, as its methodology, a mapping of these groups, as well as an ethnography of the events and activities organized by them and interviews with these actors and the public. We will also utilize an analysis of the media social networks utilized in the search for promotion of events and others, in which entertainment is a mediator of solidarity networks and visibility and audibility strategies, social behaviors and identity processes of these groups. We also seek to understand broader issues surrounding discussions on youth, media culture, lifestyles and urban cultures nowadays, namely: the possibilities of acting outside or on the edges of the mainstream and hegemonic culture and the negotiations existent there; the limits of independent productions; certain “alternative ethos” present in the practices and imaginary of these groups; the uses of the city and the public spaces; the political senses engendered by these youthful acts, constituting a musical activism.


The Strictu Sensu Graduate Program in Communication identifies that its strengths are related to the growth trajectory built in recent years, which is essentially based on the understanding of the instruments of the quadrennial evaluation as a direction to be followed, although we consider that it is the constitution of the program's own identity – regardless of external factors – and the awareness of its virtues and limitations, the background that makes consistent the cast of elements linked to its forces, generating opportunities for growth and consolidation.
In this context, we present below a set of elements that justify this perspective:

1. institutional:
(i) Sustained process of internationalization relying on the Institutional for the teaching staff participation in national and international events, as well as carrying out exchanges with research groups from Brazil and abroad, embodied in aid related to travel costs,
(ii) Ability to articulate with society, either through the reception of research themes demanded by minorities due to institutional support in the organization of events and, mainly, due to the ability to welcome students with the support of scholarships operated by the CAPES/PROSUP program and offered by the University itself (UNIP Scholarships);
(iii) Great work infrastructure, with individual rooms for professors, properly equipped with computers and fast internet access, including wireless access, printer, meeting space and activities of research groups, classrooms, specialized laboratories, library with access to databases, auditoriums, fully established request, analysis and concession processes, knowledge of the academic community, and very agile;

2. Management:
(i) Articulation involving the higher bodies of the University, the Collegiate Program, and the NPD allowing the establishment of an evaluation process with the participation of an external guest (Prof. Lúcia Leão – PPGCOS PUC-SP), grounded on constituting performance indicators of intellectual production professors and students, indicators of national and international exchanges, in addition to internationalization, monitoring of graduates, visibility of published information and other additional factors that confer transparency and assertiveness in the accreditation and disaccreditation processes of the NDP.

3. Professor Body:
(i) Heterogeneous composition in relation to experience in Post- Graduate studies, aligned with the expectations of the Concentration Area and Lines of Research, research approaches, and theoretical foundations linked to the Communication area, through the themes and objects of research, enabling exchanges and partnerships, as well as versatility in welcoming students who look for the Program;
(ii) Professors in permanent development, performing postdoctoral internships in institutions in Brazil and abroad, enabling the establishment of research and interchange for professors and students;
(iii) Clarity of the link of the investigations developed by the professors in their respective Research Groups with the Research Lines of the Program, enabling the development of projects consistent with the recommended approaches, capable of structuring the verticalization of research, increasingly aligned with objectives of social insertion;
(iv) Increasing peer-to-peer visibility process in the area, noticeable by the presence of several professors in the coordination of Working Groups of important events or forums, such as COMPÓS and INTERCOM, participation of professors in the boards of associations (COMPÓS and ABCiber) and production present in the main magazines in the area. Visibility and transparency is also presented in the context of the information available on the Program's website, published in Portuguese, Spanish and English;

4. Student body:
(i) Commitment to the surveys to which they are linked;
(ii) Participation in the management process through active student representation in the Program Collegiate;
(iii) Willingness to make efforts to achieve goals presented by the Program Coordination and faculty, especially regarding publications.

5. National and International Research Partnerships:
(i) Increasing links of research exchange, carried out through fully formalized agreements with Brazilian and foreign institutions and research groups, which transcend the mere organization of common events, fostering joint research, in fact, as well as generating the synergy of the exchanges of ideas necessary for the work of scientific production.


In 2019, going on with the efforts made since the previous quadrennial and according to the guidance/suggestions which have been in the recent evaluation forms, we aim at consolidating policies to encourage qualified professor and student production, making this action a priority in the context of the activities developed.
Despite this consideration, we maintained the understanding that the development of the Program is not restricted to the context of the four-year period, maintaining as appropriate for itself the following items:

1. Visibility and Recognition - increased visibility of the Program, from the recognition of the consistency of its research, achieved through the increase in professor and student publication (especially in relation to doctoral students), including international journals – Indicators: (a) Index of articles published in journals A2 or higher; (b) Index of foreign language articles published in journals;
From the establishment of the indicators described here, in 2017, we observed a search movement by the professors of journals evaluated in the upper strata (A1 and A2), resulting in an increase in publications in both strata. Notwithstanding the positive result, this index is expected to improve in subsequent years, due to the long cycle of evaluation and review of journals. Regarding publications in a foreign language, a similar movement thereto was observed in 2019.

2. Promotion of Research – incentive to the structuring of teaching research, seeking support in the Development Agencies in obtaining resources as a means of increasing the recognition of research conducted in the Program - Indicator: (a) Index of professors with research funded by funding agencies.
The establishment of this indicator resulted in a greater movement of professors in the search for funding of their research by Development Agencies. Despite the budgetary constraints that led to the positive evaluation of the merits of the proposal, but did not obtain resources, the proposition of a senior postdoctoral project with CNPq is mentioned, held in 2018 by Prof. Mauricio Ribeiro da Silva rated in the group that “did not reach priority”, we noticed advances in this requirement. Besides keeping two scholarships PQ-2 CNPq (Profs. Heloísa Valente and Malena Contrera) a Productivity Scholarship on Research was awarded at the same level to Prof. Simone Luci Pereira. In the quadrennial, we also obtained approval by FAPESP for regular research assistance for the project presented by Professor Clarice Greco, funding from the same Agency for international exchange of Prof. Carla Montuori, which also had the holding of an event approved in partnership with PPGCOM UFJF, in 2019, in the CNPq Universal Edict. Still in 2019, FAPESP also approved Regular Research Aid for a project submitted by Prof. Heloísa de Araújo Duarte Valente.

3. Internationalization – horizontal expansion (related to the number of professors) and a vertical one (related to quality and intensity) of the links with international institutions and research groups, structuring joint research strategies in Brazil and abroad, publication of articles in partnership, conducting co-tutelage and others, bringing together international researchers to research groups based on the Program – Indicators (a) Index of professors with publications in partnership with foreign professors; (b) Index of professors with co-tutelage abroad; (c) Index of articles published in a foreign language.
In these indicators we also see significant advances from 2019 on.

The UNIP makes available to the Program:

  1. Rooms to theoretical classes and seminars: air-conditioned rooms with microcomputers, data shows, audio, DVDs, screens, tables and chairs, high speed internet access, including wireless system.
  2. Student room and research groups: air-conditioned meeting and study rooms with tables, chairs, microcomputers with high-speed internet access, including the wireless system, scanner and printer.
  3. Teachers' room: Teachers of the Program have, individually, a workroom, equipped with a table, chair and computer with high-speed internet access, including the wireless system, scanner, printer and ambient with air conditioning in which they carry out activities of research and orientation of students and others compatible and necessary to the good progress of their activities. They also have a meeting room in which planning and evaluation activities are carried out, collegial activities and internal commissions, among others.
  4. Meeting room for research groups in which the planning and evaluation activities, collegiate activities, and internal committees are developed, among others.
  5. Rooms for Qualifications and Defenses: there are two air-conditioned rooms, with data shows, microcomputers, screens, upholstered chairs, five-seat table for Banca, high speed internet access, including wireless system.
  6. Postgraduate Secretariat that supports the students and teachers of the Program.
  7. Auditoriums: in the Postgraduate building there are three auditoriums with a capacity of 50, 150 and 600 seats, with all the infrastructure to hold courses and events.
  8. Laboratories and Studios: Studio and Photographic Laboratory, Radio, Television, Multimedia (software for editing and treatment of images, video production, elaboration of graphic effects, sound and creation of programs).

Computing Resources
The computer lab, student and teacher rooms are equipped with computers connected to the UNIP computer network, with high-speed internet access, including the wireless system, electronic mail and library network, which allows access to all the bibliographic collection of the university.
The UNIP provides for the students of Post-Graduation a laboratory of computer that contains 20 microcomputers, 01 printer and computer technician to the disposition.
All computers have state-of-the-art software for performing statistical analysis, preparation of teaching material, database and text editors.

The University library has updated collections that meet the recommended bibliographies, as well as subscriptions to periodicals and magazines.
The organization of UNIP libraries aims to meet the needs of courses and other activities of the University, supporting teaching and research. In the fulfillment of this objective, it is worth highlighting the availability of the Portal of Periodicals of CAPES for the entire academic community.
Students and teachers can consult books, monographs, theses, videos, CD-ROMs and journals through a totally revolutionary system, since the libraries are already structured in order to support teaching and research, within a multicampi organization.
Sector libraries (one on each campus) are controlled by a central information unit via the Intranet (a private network that uses the same Internet resources).
All the libraries of the institution are connected on-line through the Internet, allowing the full use of services and resources by a larger universe of users, 24 hours a day, and respecting the decentralization of the collections, necessary due to the different locations of the campuses.
The University has, for the users' inquiries, national and international databases, as well as other computer resources, which expedite the services of survey and bibliographic switching.
Currently, we have 1,170,943 copies of the most varied titles.

National Exchanges

The professors of the Communication Postgraduate Program conduct several activities in Associations and Forums of the Area, whether in the conduct of working groups or in management positions, with special emphasis on participation in the National Association of Postgraduate Programs in Communication (COMPÓS), Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies (INTERCOM), The Brazilian Society of Film and Audiovisual Studies (SOCINE), ), Brazilian Association of Cyberculture (ABCiber) and in the Forum of Communication Postgraduate Programs of the State of São Paulo
All teachers members of the Permanent Program Members participate continuously in master's and doctoral banks  in other programs in the State of São Paulo, as well as in other states, as well as exchange with research groups based in other national institutions. As an example, we indicate the activities listed below:

Barbara Heller

  • Associate Researcher of the Observatory on Communication, Freedom of Expression, and Censorship (OBCOM).
  • Member of the Compós General Council – National Association of Graduate Programs in Communication.
  • (iii) Vice-coordinator of the Communication, Media and Freedom of Expression Research Group, from INTERCOM.

Carla Montuori Fernandes

  • Participant in the Thematic Project called Political Leadership in Brazil - characteristics and institutional issues (FAPESP support), coordinated by Prof. Vera Chaia, from the PostStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Social Sciences of PUC-SP.
  • Researcher at the Nucleus for Studies in Art, Media and Politics - NEAMP - of Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).

Clarice Greco Alves

  • Researcher at the Soap Opera Studies Center at ECA-USP (CETVN) and the Ibero-American Observatory for Television Fiction (OBITEL).
  • Vice-coordinator of OBITEL, in partnership with Prof. Maria Immacolata Vassallo Lopes, from PPGCOM ECA-USP.

Gustavo Souza da Silva

  • Researcher of CineMídia - Studies on Audiovisual Media History and Theory, led by the professors of Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) Samuel Paiva, Suzana Reck Miranda and Flávia Cesarino Costa.
  • Coordinator of GT / WG Communication and Cinema of the Compós Meeting

Heloísa de Araújo Duarte Valente

  • Research fellow from the Group of Studies on Entertainment, Communication and Consumption - GECCO.
  • Member of the Board of Directors (publisher) of the Latin American Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-AL), (2014-2016, 2016-2018).
  • CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship holder, category PQ-2.

Jorge Miklos

  • Researcher and vice-coordinator of the Media, Religion and Culture Research Group - MIRE - (PPGCOM UMESP).
  • Vice-President of the Brazilian Association of Cyberculture (ABCiber)

Malena Segura Contrera

  • Member of the Communication and Imaginary Research Network in partnership com o GP Imaginalis - PPGCOM UFRGS, with Ana Taís Portanova Barros.
  • Vice-coordinator of GT / WG image and media imaginaries of the Compós Meeting
  • CNPq research productivity scholarship holder, category PQ-2.

Maurício Ribeiro da Silva

  • President of the National Association of Post-Graduate Programs in Communication (Compós)
  • Member of the Capes GT (Work Group / WG) of the Brazilian Association for the progress of Science (SBPC)
  • Member of the Forum of Humanities, Social, Applied Social Sciences, Languages, Letters and Arts (FCHSSALLA)

Paolo Demuru

  • Member of the Research Group of the Social Semiotic Research Center (PUC-SP).

Simone Luci Pereira

  • Coordinator of the Research Group “Communication and Urban Cultures” of INTERCOM.
  • Researcher member of the Research Group, PPGCOM ESPM - Research Group “JUVENALIA - Communication, Image, Politics and Youth”.
  • CNPq research productivity scholarship holder, category PQ-2.
International Exchanges

The Communication Postgraduate Program, aimed at strengthening its research, has been working to establish partnerships with international institutions and researchers, understanding that this action is a consequence of the strengthening of the Research Lines and of the formalization of interinstitutional agreements. In this context, we highlight the following actions:

Antônio Adami

  • Visiting professor from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain); is part of the teaching staff of the Doctoral Program in Journalism through the agreement established between the Research Groups “Media, Culture and Memory” (UNIP) and “MEDIACOM” (UCM).
  • Co-advisor of doctoral thesis at Universidade do Minho, in Braga, Portugal, together with Madalena Oliveira. Student: Tereza Costa Alves, from the Social Communication course. Dissertation: The sounds of Lusofonia - Multicultural contexts of the public radio service in Portugal and Brazil.
  • Scientific Council Member of the European Communication Research and Education Association - ECREA – and of the Congreso Internacional de Literatura Española Contemporánea -CILEC.

Heloísa de Araújo Duarte Valente

  • External Member of NÚCLEO CARAVELAS - Luso-Brazilian Music History Research Center / CESEM/Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
  • External member of the Diapente Research Group (Universidade de Oviedo).

Paolo Demuru

  • Leader of the Semiotic-political Research Group of the Sociocultural and Media Processes, with research partnership with Prof. Francisco Sedda (University of Cagliari, Italy), performing joint production of articles and other items of intellectual production.

Simone Luci Pereira

  • In continuation of the partnership established since 2013 with the organizers of the Work Group “Music and Migration” (as part of the 10th German Congress of Lusitanists at the University of Hamburg - Germany), she took part in the elaboration of the proposed joint research project between Brazil and Germany (Universidade de São Paulo and University of Munich), with Christina Märzhäuser (University of Munich), on media, migration, interculturality, popular music and identities.
  • Participation in a compilation book, organized by Christina Märzhäuser, on lusophone music, migrations and identities, released in 2015 in Germany, as a result of the works of the “Music and Migration” WG.

Project: A tropical path: the soft and warm beat of the bolero: memory and nomadism of the Hispanic song in Brazil​
Responsible Professor: Heloísa de Araújo Duarte Valente
Development Agency: CNPq - PQ research productivity scholarship
Lawsuit: 303872/2013
Term: Mar./2017 to Feb./2020

Project: The action of mimetic patterns in the constitution of teleparticipation processes in electronic media.
Responsible Professor: Malena Segura Contrera
Development Agency: CNPq - PQ research productivity scholarship
Lawsuit: 305257/2013
Term: Mar./2017 to Mar./2020

Event: 13th Music and Media International Encounter
Responsible Professor: Heloísa de Araújo Duarte Valente
Development Agency: FAPESP
Lawsuit: 2017/09039-8
Term: 09/13/17 to 09/15/17

Publication Aid: With sound. No sound.... Political freedoms, poetic freedoms
Responsible Professor: Heloísa de Araújo Duarte Valente
Development Agency: FAPESP
Lawsuit: 2015/21852-0
Term: Mar./16 to Mar./17