Construção Social das Práticas Organizacionais

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração

Siga o Programa na rede social:
Institucionalismo sociológico. Atores Sociais. Sistema Interinstitucional. Fundamentos Culturais e Materiais das Instituições. Práticas, Estruturas, Sentido. Alternativas de Construção Social. Mecanismos de Promoção de Sentido. Legitimidade. Estratégia como Prática. Governança.
Brown, A.D., Colville, I., Pye, A. (2015) Making Sense of Sensemaking in Organization Studies. Organization Studies, Vol. 36(2) 265–277
Friedland, R. e Alford, R. 1991. Bringing Society Back In: Symbols, practices, and institutional contradictions. In W. W. Powell and P. J. DiMaggio (eds.) The New Institutionalism in organizational analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Hinings, B. C. R., Logue, D., Zietsma, C. (2017) Fields, institutional infrastructure and governance. In R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, T. B. Lawrence, & R. Meyer (Eds.). The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalism. 2. ed. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications, p. 163-189.
Lounsbury, M. & Crumley, E.T. (2007) New Practice Creation: An Institutional Perspective on Innovation. Organization Studies, 28(07): 993–1012
Ocasio, W., & Radoynovska, N. (2016) Strategy and commitments to institutional logics: organizational heterogeneity in business models and governance. Strategic Organization, v. 14, n. 4, p. 287-309.
Thornton, P.H., Ocasio, W., & Lounsbury, M. (2012) Dynamics of Organizational Practices and Identities. In P.H. Thornton, W. Ocasio, & M. Lounsbury (Eds.). The Institutional Logics Perspective: A New Approach to Culture, Structure and Process. Oxford Scholarship Online, ch. 6.
Thornton, P.H., & Ocasio, W. Institutional Logics. In , C. Oliver, R. Greenwood, R. Suddaby (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism, London: Sage, 2008
Whittington, R. (2006). Completing the practice turn in strategy research. Organization Studies, 27(5), 613–634.
Referência Complementar
Greenwood, R. , Raynard, M., Kodeih, F., Micelotta, E. R. e Lounsbury, M. (2011). Institutional Complexity and Organizational Responses, The Academy of Management Annals, 5:1, 317-371
Haveman, H. A. e Gualtieri, G. (2017). Institutional Logics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. R. Aldag
Smets, M., Aristidou, A., & Whittington, R. (2017). Towards a practice-driven institutionalism. P. 384-411. In R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, T. B. Lawrence, & R. Meyer (Eds.), The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism, 2nd ed.: London: Sage.
Vermeulen, P.A.M., Zietsma, C., Greenwood, R., & Langley, A. (2016). Strategic responses to institutional complexity. Strategic Organization, v. 14, n. 4, p. 277-286.
Waldorff, S. B., Reay, T. e Goodrick, E. (2013). A Tale of Two Countries: How Different Constellations of Logics Impact Action. Institutional Logics in Action, Part A. In Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 39A, pp.99-129. Emerald