Comunicação e Memória

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Comunicação


Memory studies for the field of communication. Discussions on some approaches to the concept of memory. The importance of writing oneself as a record of memory. Life stories and oral history. Relationships between memory and forgetfulness.


ARTHURES, Philippe. Archive your own life. In: Personal Archives. Magazine Estudos Históricos. Rio de Janeiro: Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary History of Brazil. Getúlio Vargas Foundation. (CPDOC/FGV). V. 11. N.21, p. 9-34. Available at:

ASSMANN, Aleida. Spaces of memory: forms and transformations of cultural memory. Trad. Paulo Soethe, Campinas, SP: Unicamp, 2011. Available at:

BARBOSA, Marialva. Communication, History and Memory: possible dialogues. Matrices. 13 v.13 - n.1 jan./abr. 2019. Available in:

BARCELLOS, Sergio da Silva. Writing of the self, refuge of the other; identity and otherness in daily writing. Rio de Janeiro and New York, Life in writing editions, 2020.

BOSI, Ecléa. The living time of memory. 3.ed. São Paulo: Ateliê Editorial, 2003. Available:

ERLL, Astrid & RIGNEY, Ann. Literature and the production of cultural memory: Introduction, European Journal of English Studies, 10:2, 111-115, 2006. Available at:

ERLL, Astrid. Travelling Memory, Parallax, 17:4, 4-18, DOI: 10.1080/13534645.2011.605570 Available at:

FOUCAULT, Michel. Watch and punish. Rio de Janeiro: Voices, 1997.

LEJEUNE,Philippe. The autobiographical pact. Belo Horizonte: UFMG ed., 2014.

PERALTA, Elsa. Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Social Memory: A Critical Review. Archives of Memory: Anthropology, Scale and Memory, No. 2 (new series), Centro de Estudos de Etnologia Portuguesa, 4-23, 2007. Available at:[1].pdf

PERAZZO, Priscila and CAPRINO, Monica. Oral history and communication and culture studies. Famecos Porto Alegre magazine, v. 18, n. 3, p. 801-815, sep./dec. 2011. Disponível em:

POLLAK, Michel. Memory and social identity. Available at: < Revista Estudos Históricos, Rio de Janeiro, v. 5, n. 10, p. 200-215, jul. 1992. ISSN 2178-1494. Available at: <>.

SARLO, Beatriz. Tiempo Passado. Culture of memory and subjective rotation. A discussion. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores Argetinos, 2007.

SELIGMANN-SILVA, Marcio. Violence, imprisonment, (in)justice: Memories of real histories of São Paulo's prisons. Revista de Letras, São Paulo, v. 43, n. 2, Memória e Literatura, p. 29-47, jul.-dez. 2003.